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SmartBalance – Put A Little Love In Your Heart

SmartBalance is a new margarine (read: TransFats) made mostly of Canola Oil.  What, you may ask, is Canola Oil?  Where can I see fields of Canola growing?  The answer is: Nowhere.  There is no such plant.  What is being sold as “healthy” Canola Oil is the oil from a genetically-modified strain of rapeseed (Don’t you love the name? Wonder why they changed it?).  Rapeseed, without being genetically modified, is HIGHLY toxic, and there have been no studies to prove that genetically-modified rapeseed is NON-toxic.  It got lumped on the “GRAS” (generally recognized as safe) list while you (for that matter, nobody except the paid-off “scientists” in the FDS) were not watching. 

Oh, by the way, “Canola” was developed from the words “Canadian Oil”, because the genetic modifications were performed and patented by Canadian scientists.

Why is Canola Oil sold in so many health food stores as “healthy”??? Do they think that genetic modifications made in Canada DON’T COUNT???

If you want a safe, buttery spread — use butter.  It may not be free of fats, but it is free of modified fats.  Better choice, use ORGANIC butter, that way you don’t get all the rBGH with it.  We got sold that margarine was better than butter in the 50s, and have found by now that every component of margarine is NOT better than butter, so why are we just trying to find a better margarine?


Comment (1)

  1. Ninasusan

    I’ve suspected it for years…


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