VMeter is 30-40 right now.

Dad writes:

Mom [my grandmother] seems to be losing more each day.  Last evening she ate pretty well
and I got her to drink all of the Strawberry milkshake( it is kind of
like ENSURE —all fortified with vitamins) about a third of the
Limabean,Ham, Stew mixture. More than half of the cornbread cupcake.
But this time when she said she didn’t want anymore I couldn’t get
another bite into her.  She just layed back and teried to sleep.

arrived and perked her up a bit but she’d take nothing more to eat  We
were there for about another half an hour and then we had to leave her
to get some sleep. We stayed in the Lobby for another half an hour then
Ray and Annette went back in to see her (Thay had been in the Lobby all
the time Judy and I were trying to feed her).   They had to request
that she be cleaned up and made ready for the night.

She doesn’t
speak much above a whisper and you really have to be dedicated to
listening to hear what she says.    She has finally come to the
realization that she cannot walk—she made the statement last night.
“I can’t walk, guess I’ll just lay here.”  like she resolved to stay
right there.

about all for this time.  We’ll see her again today.  The PN said that
she ate all of her breakfast but judging from what we see at noon when
Ray feeds her and in the evening when I feed her —there’s very little
likihood of her completely eating everything.   She probably eats
everything they feed her but none of them have the time to stand there
until every bite is gone. We have been there when the PN fed her three
bites and then was called away to do some-  thing else and nerver gets
back to the feeding chore.


I have some errands to run for Frankie and some fliers to print and distribute.  I also have some changes to make to the Kindness Campaign website, which I should have done Saturday or Sunday.


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