
Yesterday, my sweetheart decided to go rescue an old friend — taking our daughter and not taking me. That was sudden, and so I responded as stunned. Have not had a night without her since I moved in, and it’s during a weekend. While some part of me could use some time alone, having it thrust at me like that put me off my balance. I’m still struggling with it this morning, but should be fine after she gets home… which time I don’t know. I expect later this evening, but she said on the phone that she needed to get back by noon. I don’t believe she can get up and drive two hours that early, but we’ll see. It’s 11 now.  I’m trying to deal with it, could do better or worse than I’m doing. The combination of how much I am in love with her and my Asperger’s is the issue, I don’t deal with sudden stuff easily. But I did a lot better than she expected telling her she could take the van so long as gas gets in it.

Hope I keep dealing with it. I’d hate for her to get home, with baby girl and friends, and have me be all messed up and clingy.




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