I reach for you
You are surrounded by barbed wire and razor blades
I want to touch you, reach through it all
even though it means bleeding all over
But my blood is arsenic to you
As yours is nightshade to me
You reach for me through my broken glass
Our pain is earned from others
but we awaken it anew in each other
with each glance
each touch
I want to share other things with you
I want to show how much I love you and need you
I have much more to give you,
all the good things we never had
And I know you want the same
But I can't do it without hurting you
...And you hurting me
I will keep trying as long as you allow me to
The pleasure is worth the pain,
although it is greatly diminished by it
I can't survive with this pain
As I can't survive without you
So I will endure until it goes away
Or we do... which may mean more than life to me
copyright ©2006 by Gerald L. "Moss" Bliss (written 10/9)
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