Monthly Archive: February 2013

Moving Day

I just had a horrible moving day. Only got about 80% of my stuff moved, still have my tool dresser, filing cabinets, tents, and some other items to go. Then we went to Amy’s and moved about 80% of her stuff. Meanwhile, I was running on empty but required to keep running, and my behavior goes downhill in those circumstances, all energy being used to get done what I can. I apparently pissed everyone off including my new love (who saw something I said to another of our helpers as slighting my love). Probably didn’t piss Bobby off. Might have pissed Amy off but think I got that rounded up.  I think I have made good with my Lady, but she is a Capricorn and is well aware of her tendency to take longer to get over things than I do.

And now her living room is crammed full of shyt nobody knows what to do with and where to put… and my Lady is taking the day off. Wish I could, but still more to do.

We’ve tried to get rid of some things we didn’t need. Succeeded in some, not others.




More Cuts in the Can

I went back into studio this evening and got 10 more songs recorded. That’s a total of 27 songs so far. Only 9 to go before we get serious in re-recording and post-production.

I have already written a new song, and my beloved Jevim has written one for me to polish up, so we’re already starting work on the next CD.

There are still a few days left in my fundraising campaign —  I have the money I asked for, but you never know what additional expenses crop up you weren’t planning for.





Can life be so good after 60 years of mostly awful? There were fears this was a rebound relationship, or that it would wear out… it just keeps getting stronger. And more magickal. And I feel safe, and welcome, and valued, and treasured, and loved, and wanted, and desired. By a beautiful, warm, sensual, intelligent woman. Who loves my body, mind, brain, music, helpfulness…  It doesn’t get any better than this.





I am largely moved into my sweetie’s house in town (Knoxville). Still have to move the furniture and junk, some to storage.

I was messing around with Facebook trying to get it to send the appropriate notification to my Buffy so that we could be listed as “In a Relationship”.  I just decided to try “Engaged” … and all hell broke loose, as friends of mine were ecstatic or blindsided and friends of Buffy were ecstatic or angry as hell. But anyhow… after a long conversation with Lady D. who came over to talk and get advice, and after she went home, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to actually propose to my love… so I did, and she said YES!

Nice things to work on for Valentine’s Day, no?




Moving Again

Start moving this week to Buffy’s. Going to be great living with someone who truly loves me and shares her life with me. Get a crone friend and a little girl in the bargain. It will also save a little money. Everything has been moving quickly, but moving in the right direction. I have been adopted into my Lady’s coven, renamed with a name I came up with, had a Board Meeting with my Spiritual Family and was added to the Board in two positions, just wow. Just wow. I can’t believe everything is so good.


