I had a reasonably good day, lots of phone calls and emails of support, including a call from Laura and Mom Parks and an email from my daughter Chandra.  Asheville Radical Mental Health Collective was a smallish gathering, but everyone was there for me and I got to cry it all out.

Andarea and Andy left the apartment at around 11 am, they woke me up to lock the door behind them. I have not heard from them since, and they have not come back tonight.  All their stuff is still here.  If they don’t show up tomorrow to get it, I will put it in the closet (I have already cleaned Andarea’s stuff out of my bedroom) and, if not back in a week, out by the dumpster.  I doubt I will have to do that, but I have to set my limits.

Terrie, my “twin sister”, talked to me for the longest time last night.  Lots of good stuff from that.  I have invitations to spend anywhere from 2 to 5 days at many friends’ houses, including Frankie and Aianna and Jayne (Jayne has even offered to stay at my place to make sure I’m OK).  My Mom came through in a pinch, one I would not have had if Andarea had not been here.  I do want to emphasize that Andarea did nothing that was not in her nature to do, and I am not mad at her and forgive her.  I just want my life back.

I have to get up tomorrow and cancel my physical therapy appointment (and make more), go to Salvation Army, call Dr. Clark for an appointment, and get in touch with the management agent for the building next door, which I hope to move into when it opens.

Got to get myself together and get my place back.  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.


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